Back in 75' I had my own reality moment. I started reading the Bible, from Genesis. At first the history (or intellectual reality) grabbed me. Weeks later after reading of the 'two thieves', I did a 'repentant thief thing'.
Almost immediately I felt the emotional reality with God's Spirit. I was baptized by the Spirit, and He has been confirming it with my spirit ever since (ouch). A Genesis to Revelation Experience: "intellectually and emotionally".
I still remember the anxiety I felt when I asked Christ for forgiveness, and even more anxiety when I confessed it to others. Today I realize it was 'PRIDE' I had to surrender. Something every created human being, the Devil, and the angels all have to deal with.
Sure glad I read the OT before NT and before I tried to read one of those -ism- or 'addon' theology books.
Not sure where the condemnation cut line will fall on -isms- that misrepresent God and His Word. That is, between the promoter and those who do not fact check. Way above my paygrade.
The 'thief thing' was probably spawned by Billy Graham's (more emotional) and maybe DJ Kennedy's EE Program (more intellectual) Invitational Ministries (we do need both). They filled up the Churches. Any good revival seems to have the Invitational Attitude.
What kills the Revival is add-on -ism- teaching or ‘Isolationist’ attitude. In fact it kills initiative and productivity. Not sure who started it, but we are now being taught what to think, and not how to think. And of course with the proper Biblical teaching, we all benefit from a healthy culture to live and work in.
The trashing of Jacob has been a favorite of -ism- support. Now I hear trashing of all the heroes of faith. And I bet someone will get a big gold star for finding dirt on Abel and Enoch. Sounds like the evening news! Do we impact the world or does it impact us?
Sorry about not being nicey-nice about this. But we sheep need an enriched diet, not prideful fodder, still waters to graze near, not whirlpools, and humble shepherds, not prideful taskmasters.
Like humbly building us up in the faith, instead of tearing us down to promote and impose their particular prideful -ism-.
In the end, no sheep are lost, but they can be scattered and shattered.
We offer up many prayers for those who are wounded by the decaying culture around us?
Best sermons I heard as a sheep, had OT foundation, Gospel focus, and an Epistle wrap-up. Like Adam got a promise about the Serpent, Jesus fulfilled it, and the Spirit confirms it in our hearts. One by itself can make me think about lunch, or email. And maybe some historical reality, especially about the Ten Commandments would help a lot.